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Course to Steer

We saw in the top tip on calculating our Estimated Position (EP), that the tide has an effect on or actual course over the ground. In this section we will look at how we correct for tide and wind in calculating a Course to Steer (CTS)  to get us from our present position to our next desired waypoint.  

To do this, let us consider a navigation problem using the RYA training Chart 3.  At 1330UT, a skipper fixes her position using bearings from a lighthouse and an oil platform.  To confirm this fix she uses the depth (corrected for tidal height) of 100m. Her log read 52.4.  The fix on his chart looks something like this:

CTS 1 Fix.jpg

She decides that he wants to head for the anchorage in Stubbington Bay, so plots that on the chart and measures the Track:

CTS 2 Track to WP.jpg

The next step is to find out what the tide is doing for his passage time.  Tidal diamond B is quite close (just off the chart excerpt above); Tidal Diamonds in "RYAland" are referenced to Port Victoria, so first stop is the Victoria tide table.  It is Monday 7th January.  The entry is shown below:

CTS 3 Tidal Data Vic.jpg
CTS 4 Tidal Data Vic 2.jpg

In order to get the Tide Set and Rate we need the 'tidal hour' - i.e. how close to HW is our passage period?  To find out, the easiest way is to construct a tidal ladder.  The HW hour is 30mins either side of HW, then we extrapolate outwards before or, if necessary after, HW :

CTS 5A Tidal Ladder.jpg

(In reality, one would probably round off the time to 1700)


We see from the above ladder then that the period we are interested in, departing at 1330 is 3 hours before high water.  We now go to the top of the training chart to find the Tidal Diamond data:

CTS 6 Tidal Rate Set.jpg

This gives a set of 154*T , a springs rate of 3.9kts and a Neaps rate of 2.0kts.  To be completely accurate we should use the Computation of Rates graph to find the rate at todays tidal range... which is between the two at 3.2m.  

CTS 8 CoR.jpg
CTS 9 CoR 2.jpg

Now, we lay off the tidal vector of 154/2.6 (i.e one hours' worth of tide) on the chart from our start point: 

CTS 91 Tide Vector.jpg

We then open our dividers/compasses to a distance equal to one hour of boatspeed (in this case boatspeed is 5 kts, so we need 5nm). We then arc off 5nm from the end of the Tidal vector to cross the track line:

CTS 92 Boat Speed.jpg
CTS 93 Arc.jpg

This gives us the complete 'Triangle of Velocities'.  One arrow = Course to Steer/Boatspeed, Two Arrows = Track (or Course over Ground(COG))/Speed Over Ground (SOG), and Three arrows = Tidal Vector: 

CTS 94 Triangle of Velocities.jpg

We can now measure CTS and SOG:

CTS 95 CTS.jpg
CTS 96 SOG.jpg
CTS 97 SOG2.jpg

With a Speed over Ground of 6.5kts we can calculate our ETA:

CTS 99 Speed Distance Time.jpg

We need to correct the True CTS of 087*T for Wind Effect (Leeway) and Variation and Deviation to give a compass course to the helmsman.  I will cover the details in another top tip but, essentially, in pictures:

CTS 98A Compass.jpg
CTS 98C Compass.jpg
CTS 98D Compass.jpg

Simple as that!......


"Steer zero eight zero compass, helmsman, Boatspeed five knots, we'll be at the anchorage around 1420!"

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